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by Fabrice Dubois

通过Fabrice Dubois

无家可归的iPhone (Homeless iPhone)

So, apparently the next iPhone won’t have a physical Home button. There’s been much speculation already about what that means for the user. The bottom area of the device, , will be used to host the navigation bar items, as well as a virtual Home button.

因此,显然下一代iPhone将没有物理“主页”按钮。 关于这对用户意味着什么已经有很多猜测。 设备的底部区域( )将用于承载导航栏项目以及虚拟“主页”按钮。

This article describes another possibility.


Some recent findings in some leaked code may invalidate what I’m about to write below, but anyway.


Update 28 August: of this story is now online.

8月28日更新 :该故事的现已在线发布。

为什么要使用主页按钮? (Why a Home button?)

To address a design problem it’s good to start with the right questions. We seem to use the Home button for two dominant reasons:

为了解决设计问题,最好从正确的问题开始。 我们似乎使用“主页”按钮有两个主要原因:

  • To go to a place where we can choose another app

  • To ‘close’ the current app because we’re done with it


Of course, several other functions rely on the current Home button too (Siri users, shoot me!) but for now please allow me to simplify a bit and assume an alternative can be found for every edge case.


When I tried the first iOS 11 beta on iPad, what struck me most was the new app switcher. Swiping from the bottom edge not only reveals the control centre as it did in previous iOS versions; now it comes with the favorite apps dock and the app switcher too, all on the same screen.

当我在iPad上尝试第一个iOS 11 beta时,最让我印象深刻的是新的应用程序切换器。 从底部边缘滑动不仅可以显示控制中心,就像在以前的iOS版本中一样。 现在,它在同一屏幕上提供了收藏的应用程序底座和应用程序切换器。

From there, it’s interesting to note that tapping anywhere on the blurred background instantly takes you back to the home screen. After a while I realized I wasn’t pressing the Home button that much anymore. The dock with my favorites apps, along with the list of recent apps, seemed sufficient for me to continue my workflow — at least most of the time. And my subconscious need for ‘closing’ the current app seemed fulfilled too.

从那里开始,有趣的是, 在模糊的背景上点击任意位置会立即将您带回到主屏幕。 过了一会儿,我意识到我不再需要按“主页”按钮了。 拥有我最喜欢的应用程序以及最近使用的应用程序列表的扩展坞似乎足以让我继续我的工作流程-至少在大多数情况下。 而且我对“关闭”当前应用程序的潜意识需求也得到满足。

I began to wonder if this new interface, triggered with a simple swipe, could be Apple’s secret weapon to replace the Home button for good.


What would it take to adapt it for the iPhone? That’s what I tried to do.

要使其适应iPhone,需要做什么? 那就是我试图做的。

这个概念 (The concept)

That’s it. Let’s decompose the movie into separate clips to discuss the different states.

而已。 让我们将影片分解为单独的剪辑以讨论不同的状态。

码头状态 (Dock state)

The favorite apps bar, as on iPad and on macOS, is called Dock and can be revealed (alone, without transitioning to the full app switcher) on top of any app. There may even be room to include an extra suggestion in the right part of it. This is your level-1 cache to switch to your next app.

iPad和macOS上最喜欢的应用程序栏称为Dock,可以在任何应用程序顶部(单独显示,而无需过渡到完整的应用程序切换器)显示。 甚至可能还有空间在其右侧添加额外的建议。 这是您的1级缓存,可切换到下一个应用程序。

应用切换器状态 (App switcher state)

The level-2 cache, that you access if you continue swiping up. I nickname it level-2 cache because it has more apps to offer than the dock, but still less than the home screen. Here the current app has been ‘parked’ temporarily. And this is key. That’s basically what we have in mind when (we think that) we close an app. I assume most people are now aware the app isn’t killed, it’s just parked. The concept is consistent with that of the iPad (I really invented nothing here), except that the iPhone version would use two separate rows due to the elongated display ratio.

如果继续刷卡,将访问二级缓存。 我将其称为2级缓存,因为它提供的应用程序比扩展坞多,但仍然少于主屏幕。 在这里,当前应用已被临时“停放”。 这是关键。 这基本上就是我们关闭应用程序时所想到的。 我认为大多数人现在都知道该应用程序并未被杀,只是被停放了。 这个概念与iPad的概念一致(我在这里实际上什么也没发明),只是iPhone版本由于显示比例过长而将使用两行分开。

取消应用切换器 (Dismissing the app switcher)

Here the design relies on a common reflex: if we can’t find what we’re looking for in a view, we tend to look for a way to escape the view. And if we can’t find any concrete affordance to escape, then we tend to tap where we can! I may be over-simplifying, granted. But over-simplification is often more manageable than over-complication.

这里的设计依赖于常见的反射:如果我们无法在视图中找到所需的内容,则倾向于寻找一种逃避视图的方法。 而且,如果我们找不到逃避的具体负担,那么我们倾向于在可以的地方发掘! 我可能会过分简化,理所当然。 但是,过度简化通常比过度复杂化更易于管理。

Once again, this is what the iPad implementation does anyway. In order to ensure a comfortable dismiss zone at the bottom, however, the dock doesn’t persist in the app switcher state (on iPad it does because there’s enough room for it). I’m not too happy with that aspect though, it would deserve refinement.

同样,这也是iPad实施所要做的。 但是,为了确保底部有一个舒适的排出区域,扩展坞不会在应用程序切换器状态下持久存在(在iPad上,因为有足够的空间容纳了它)。 不过,我对此方面不太满意,值得完善。

开启应用程式 (Opening an app)

Once the app is open, the dock goes away so the app can make the most of the available real estate, which is apparently massive on the upcoming iPhone; but as you can see it is taken down with a slight delay. This is to improve discoverability of the app switcher. Maybe overkill, maybe not.

一旦打开应用程序,扩展坞就会消失,因此该应用程序可以充分利用可用的房地产,这显然在即将上市的iPhone上非常庞大。 但如您所见,它已被拆除,并稍有延迟。 这是为了提高应用程序切换器的可发现性。 也许矫kill过正,也许不是。

Now let’s discuss issues and advantages.


问题 (Issues)

Discoverability, as well as two steps to go to home screen, may still be a problem in the eyes of many. I personally find it surprisingly smooth to use, having tried and tweaked the proto on a real device, but I appreciate it may not be convincing at first sight.

在许多人看来,可发现性以及进入主屏幕的两个步骤仍然可能是一个问题。 我亲自尝试并调整了真实设备上的原型后,发现使用它的过程令人惊讶地平滑,但我知道它乍看之下并不令人信服。

How to access the other Home reliant functions? Touch ID is strongly expected to be replaced with a better authentication method, such as advanced face recognition. I haven’t thought through all needed workarounds — that’s a full time job — and indeed, that‘s problematic. Accessibility, Siri, screenshot: any idea anyone?

如何访问其他家庭依赖功能? 强烈希望将Touch ID替换为更好的身份验证方法,例如高级面部识别。 我没有考虑过所有需要的解决方法-这是一项全职工作-确实,这是有问题的。 无障碍功能,Siri,屏幕截图:有人知道吗?

The recent apps carousel is not as good as the existing one: it’s smaller. And the Control Centre isn’t as good as the existing one either: it easily needs to be scrolled. That is the cost of simplification.

最近的应用轮播不如现有的轮播:它更小。 而且,控制中心也不如现有的控制中心好:它需要轻松滚动。 那就是简化的代价。

The proposed approach may disappoint those who expect some kind of rich function bar at the bottom, possibly along the lines of the Macbook’s Touch Bar, or other deep functions that Apple would want to bring right under our thumb. But isn’t the iPhone a Touch Bar already? Apps have always been able to use the bottom of the screen to provide contextual functionalities. As to system functions, there’s a reasonable place for them: Control Centre. So yes, the solution proposed here is about simplification (at least in terms of mental model), not about adding function.

所提议的方法可能会让那些希望在底部有某种丰富功能栏(可能沿着Macbook的Touch Bar的线条)或Apple想要带给我们的其他深层功能的人感到失望。 但实际情况并非iPhone手机触摸条吗? 应用程序始终能够使用屏幕底部来提供上下文功能。 关于系统功能,有一个合理的位置:控制中心。 因此,是的,这里提出的解决方案是关于简化(至少在心理模型方面),而不是关于增加功能。

优点 (Advantages)

First, the elegance of not having a Home button at all. This is more striking, purer, than virtualizing it. Removing the button completely would be the ultimate refinement.

首先,完全没有“主页”按钮的优雅 这比虚拟化更为醒目,纯净。 完全删除按钮将是最终的改进。

Overlay based solutions such as a virtual button have their own issues: how to make sure the button will contrast well with the app view behind it? How to manage touch conflicts with the app? Can we move it around? etc. Getting rid of it completely removes these concerns.

基于覆盖的解决方案(例如虚拟按钮)有其自身的问题:如何确保按钮与其背后的应用程序视图形成鲜明的对比? 如何管理与应用程序的触摸冲突? 我们可以四处移动吗? 等等。完全摆脱这些麻烦就可以了。

The metaphor used here is more consistent with what really happens in the phone: when you ‘close’ an app, what really happens is that you push it in the background. That’s precisely what the new app switcher UI shows. Literally: You can see and feel that you’re pushing the app on a background.

这里使用的隐喻与手机中实际发生的情况更一致:当您“关闭”应用程序时,实际发生的事情是将其推送到后台。 这正是新的应用切换器用户界面显示的内容。 从字面上看: 您可以看到并感觉到您在后台推送应用程序。

No impact on the app UI level. Apps remain unaware of any button or whatever rumored function bar and therefore shouldn’t need to adapt their behaviour or layout in any way. When an app is brought to the foreground, the entire floor is its.

对应用程序用户界面级别没有影响。 应用程序始终不知道任何按钮或传闻的功能栏,因此无需以任何方式调整其行为或布局。 当某个应用程序出现在前台时,整个楼层即已存在。

Software complexity is kept low. Again, my experiment simply reuses what they’ve already built for iPad. We’re not talking about yet another mechanism made just for the new iPhone. For the user, that guarantees a certain level of familiarity, too.

软件复杂度保持较低。 同样,我的实验只是重复使用他们已经为iPad构建的内容。 我们不是在谈论仅用于新iPhone的另一种机制。 对于用户而言,这也保证了一定程度的熟悉度。

The design could work surprisingly well in landscape. The layout wouldn’t rotate or reconfigure itself. Only each individual item would rotate 90 degrees. Think camera UI, what rotates and what doesn’t, and you’ll see what I mean immediately. The new Control Centre grid looks flexible enough for the required item rotations. And since we’d still swipe up from the bottom, the dock would still show at the bottom, but with such a massive width, I imagine it could offer lots of extra app suggestions.

该设计在横向上可以出奇地出色地工作。 布局不会旋转或自行重新配置。 只有每个单独的项目都会旋转90度。 想想相机的用户界面,什么旋转,什么不旋转,您会立即明白我的意思。 新的Control Center网格看起来足够灵活,可以进行所需的项目轮换。 而且由于我们仍然会从底部向上滑动,因此停靠栏仍会显示在底部,但由于宽度如此之大,我想它可能会提供很多额外的应用建议。

摘要 (Summary)

The takeaway is that the new app switcher in iOS 11 for iPad may be even smarter than we think. There is a possibility they didn’t design it specifically for iPad, after all. If perfectly tuned, it makes for a compelling way to switch contexts, and can be seen as an efficient cache between the current app and the home screen.

得出的结论是,iOS 11 for iPad中的新应用程序切换器可能比我们想象的还要聪明。 毕竟,他们可能没有专门为iPad设计它。 如果进行了很好的调整,它将成为一种切换上下文的引人注目的方法,并且可以被视为当前应用程序和主屏幕之间的高效缓存。

And, how coincidental, it doesn’t rely on a Home button.


My point with this article is not to speculate; I don’t really care how Apple tackles the removal of the physical Home button, I trust it will be good. And some speculations around have good points too, in their own way. I just saw a very interesting and irresistible design exercise here.

我对本文的观点不是推测。 我真的不在乎Apple如何解决移除“主页”按钮的问题,我相信这会很好。 而且周围的一些猜测也有自己的优点。 我刚刚在这里看到了一个非常有趣且不可抗拒的设计练习。

For the prototypes, made with Principle, I used realistic proportions, for both the display () and known components such as the Control Centre items.

对于用Principle制作的原型,我在显示器( )和已知组件(例如Control Center项目)中都使用了逼真的比例。

This article’s also available , thanks to .

感谢 ,本文也有 。

You may also want to read , on the design process.

您可能还需要阅读有关设计过程的 。



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